
Turn your ideas into a tangible concept with our discovery and design process...

Ideas People

You've got the ideas: You can see the problem. You know what it needs...

But you don't have the time to map it all out, maybe you aren't sure what might be possible or practical?

We've developed a process to help you distill those ideas...

App Discovery

Envision is a discovery process where we help develop your vision into a concept for a unique application. Out of it you'll get:
  • Clarity of underlying business objectives and benefits
  • A scope of requirements
  • Solution ideas and a design concept

Envision is like a mini-scoping and idea development process. It's a first step towards designing the system as a whole without investing in full on design plans — very much as an architect will create concept drawings before leaping into the depths of the technical design process.

And if you've got a case to be made 'up the chain' or 'down the chain' you'll be able to say very clearly what the purpose is, what the outcomes will be, how it will help people with their jobs... and even what it might look like.

The Process

We'll spend some time working with you and your team, learning what you do now and uncovering ways in which an app will benefit the business/organisation. Back in the office we'll write up our thoughts and design ideas, and produce a concept visual to help you "see" what we're thinking. 

We charge a simple flat fee of $2500

(plus travel if you're outside our locations in Christchurch and Sydney. If you are in Sacramento or Singapore or anywhere in between, we can talk and screenshare to go through the process.