By Daniel Wood, 15 August 2014
Thank you to some readers who pointed out a few bugs in the example file affecting windows users. The issue was in the "RoboPrint - Process Print Jobs" script. Interestingly, this script runs in the context of a popup window, and we were using a third off-screen window to carry out individual print jobs. When this off-screen window closed, the script focus was actually returned to the main window, not the popup which launched the off-screen window, a bug if ever I saw one! We have modified the example file to explicitly change context back to the RoboPrint popup once processing of print-jobs has been completed. You can download the revised example file at the bottom of this article.
For those not familiar with WebDirect think of it as Instant Web Publishing enhanced. Whereas IWP was fairly static, the goal for WebDirect is to be more dynamic and responsive to user interaction. Most FileMaker Pro functionality is there in WebDirect and the overall experience can be made to feel very similar to FileMaker Pro. One of the key features it lacks though is the ability to print reports and this is quite an important feature if WebDirect is to be used as a substitute for FileMaker Pro as a deployment platform.
Because the Print script step is unsupported in WebDirect, the only other way to print is through the browsers print function. This however is a very poor substitute as the browser will only print the visible window contents. Any lists of records or any layout that cannot fit entirely in the visible window will not print. Without Preview mode we also have no ability for producing complex sub-summary reports or sliding of records. Basically, it just dun work!
Side note: when we say printing in this article what we really mean is preview mode and all that goes along with that (such as printing).
One thing WebDirect does do quite well is displaying interactive container data. What has that got to do with anything you ask? Well, it means displaying a PDF within WebDirect is pretty nice, so if we could generate a report as a PDF and display that to the WebDirect user instead, then this should allow them to scroll through it, preview it, and subsequently print it via printing of the PDF.
This is at the heart of the entire framework. Unfortunately FileMaker Server is unable to natively generate a PDF. The only two FileMaker platforms capable of generating a PDF is FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Go. Go is obviously not an option so lets use FileMaker Pro! What we need to do is have a copy of FileMaker Pro responsible for the PDF generation of WebDirect user initiated reports.
This is not an uncommon technique and is something that sometimes is used when reports need to be e-mailed to users on a nightly basis. Because FileMaker Server cannot produce the PDF, we instead call on the help of a Robot copy of FileMaker Pro to do the effort of PDF generation. FileMaker Server can then attach and send the reports via a scheduled script or the copy of FileMaker Pro could just do this itself.
We shall call this copy of FileMaker Pro from this point on RoboPrint !
In the framework we refer to the WebDirect user as RoboUser and the robot copy of FileMaker Pro tasked with producing report PDFs as RoboPrint. The basic process of events is as such:
That is it in a nutshell. Now how this all actually works is a little more in-depth so we'll cover the process in a little more detail below and how this relates to the example framework file.
Technical jargon and explanations of how it all works are below, but if you want to just fire up the example file and see what it's all about then you will need to do a few things first:
If all goes well you should see the WebDirect RoboUser wait for the PDF to be generated. In FileMaker Pro you should see RoboPrint retrieve the print job, process it and mark it as done. Then back in WebDirect you'll see the resulting PDF displayed in an interactive container.
You can also test as RoboUser in either FileMaker Pro or FileMaker Go - this does not require WebDirect to test with. If you do not have access to WebDirect then so long as you can access the database (shared) in 2 copies of FileMaker Pro you will be able to test the demo.
This framework at this stage is by no means perfect. It was built out of necessity for a large WebDirect deployment and has so far stood up to the test and been a reliable means of generating reports in WebDirect which is why we have turned it into an article :)
There will always be improvements that can be made to the framework and the intention is that others in the community will take the general method and build upon it for others.
Please find attached an example file. This file is provided to help you fully understand what is going on in the rest of the article below. Note that FileMaker 13 is required to view this example file.
The example file is intended to be a demonstration of a framework. This is not a modular style implementation currently so to use in your own solution you would recreate the functionality found within the file.
Click here to Download the Example File
Good. You have made it through the first part of the article - congratulations! If you are still here then perhaps you have downloaded the example file and had a look and are curious as to the technicalities behind how it works. It's not that complicated really! Below we'll just cover the basics of the framework so you can feel confident if you need to implement into your own solutions or to make any adjustments or improvements.
In the framework is the idea of a print job. Because RoboPrint runs in FileMaker Pro, and RoboUser can be on any platform, there needs to be a method of communication between them in order to convey the type of report RoboUser wants to run, and any criteria around running it. We do this by way of a table funnily enough also called RoboPrint (just to confuse you!).
Each record in this table is an individual print job that is generated by a user for example lets say in WebDirect. The record contains a number of fields that will tell RoboPrint all the information it needs to generate the correct report. Most fields are self explanatory (you can check the comments on the fields for more info).
When a WebDirect user runs a report the script that is run will generate one of these records, populate it with the required information, and sit back and wait until the record is marked as either complete or in the event something went wrong marked with an error.
When the WebDirect user wishes to run a report the generic script they run is called "Robouser - Initiate Print Job".
We pass 3 key parameters:
The rest of the script will launch a new virtual web window and go to the RoboUser PDF layout. It creates a print job and then simply sits and waits until the process if finished, or expires.
The nice thing about using a new window is that on WebDirect this acts as a 'virtual' window which from the users perspective looks like they have gone to a different page entirely. We can just use an onTimer at this point for the timeout. The user can also click a "Done" button on this screen which will delete their print request and close the window - taking them back to their original layout.
The framework makes use of 4 custom functions for managing multiple script parameters and results. It's not terribly important you know how they work, but it is important to know how to use them for script parameters.
To pass multiple parameters to a script we use the SetProperty function. If you look at the initialisation script above it is taking three named parameters. We would pass these to the script in the following format:
The SetProperty function can be strung together with & to pass multiple named parameters.
In the property called "Parameters" , we can nest further multiple parameters here if need be.
The script uses the GetScriptProperty function to parse out this data. This function is basically a helper function that calls the GetProperty function, but will automatically pass through the Get(ScriptParameter) function, saving us having to do this bit.
Finally, GetResultProperty is exactly the same as GetScriptProperty with the difference that it will automatically pass through Get(ScriptResult), so is useful for parsing multiple script results.
RoboPrint should be initiated and running in a copy of FileMaker Pro. This is where print jobs are dealt with. RoboPrint is launched using the script RoboPrint - Initiate Process.
Again a fairly simple script. It takes one optional parameter called Duration. This tells RoboPrint how many seconds it should wait between checking for new print jobs. The default is 2 seconds.
RoboPrint operates in a popup modal window which is completely locked down. We use a loop where processing occurs after the duration pause. The loop carries on forever until the process is stopped.
At each check, the script RoboPrint - Process Print Jobs is run.
This script is responsible for checking for new print jobs, and for any found making sure the correct report is run. It is also responsible for generation of the resulting PDF, and any tidyup after that.
I won't go and post a big screenshot of the script here, you can check it out for yourself. The following are key points in the process flow of the script:
As mentioned above, there has to come a time in this process where a script is run for the specific reports, as each report is different.
You can see this part of the script pictured below. Each print job is tagged with a type keyword that is set into the local variable at the start of the script. Here is where you check the type and run your appropriate subroutine script, passing through the parameters that script will require.
Okay back to it. There are a few rules that need to be followed when you setup your specific report scripts for use with RoboPrint.
Once done, your script just needs to exit without error. You needn't do anything regarding PDF generation, that is handled elsewhere, just finish!
The Process Print Jobs script is responsible for calling another sub-script to produce the PDF once the users custom report script has been executed. This script is called "RoboPrint - Produce PDF"
The script again is pretty straightforward. We pass it the type of report simply for the purpose of the PDF filename. By default the PDF filename is a combination of the current timestamp as a number, and the report type. This ensures a good chance of a unique PDF filename for the report. You could change this here to whatever you wish the format to be for your solution.
The script will either return an error if for some reason the PDF could not be saved or the path to that PDF on disk.
The process print jobs scripts final task is to take that PDF path and insert the PDF into an interactive container on the print job. Once it does this, the print job is marked as completed, and the script will go onto the next print job if there is one, otherwise it is done.
As soon as that PDF is inserted onto the print job, the user will see it magically appear in front of them
They will be able to scroll through the PDF and depending upon the browser they are using they will se some PDF controls that will let them print, save, zoom etc..
We show the print jobs status both on the users screen, and in RoboPrint so that at all points of the process the user is kept notified of the status of their request. Statuses include
Certain browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox have security features that will mean you may notice some unusual behaviour when it comes to the PDF in the interactive content container. These browsers cannot display the content when secure connections to FileMaker Server (SSL) has been turned on within FileMaker Server. The reason is WebDirect will in this case use HTTPS protocol, however external container data will still use HTTP. In the event a secure site has insecure content within it, these browsers will flag it as such and prevent the content from displaying.
What you will see instead is either the icon/filename for the file (which you can actually still right click and export to view) or you will see a link in some cases which you can click to view the PDF.
While not ideal, there are possible ways around this but may involve accepting security dialogs when used first time.
This FileMaker knowledgebase article better documents the issue
Please find attached an example file. This file is provided to help you fully understand what is going on in the rest of the article above. Note that FileMaker 13 is required to view this example file.
The example file is intended to be a demonstration of a framework. This is not a modular style implementation currently so to use in your own solution you would recreate the functionality found within the file.
Click here to Download the Example File
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